Thursday, April 27, 2006

still haven't bought the right rice

so, after mentioning to some people at work that i basically cook every day, this week sort of failed at that. i ordered chicken in black bean sauce from the take-out chinese down the street, which was really good, but i feel they must use some sort of strange super-grease to cook everything in.
also, as i went to trader joes, i had dal and cous-cous on sunday, then canned chicken chili with the leftover cous-cous. which, while not bad, is certainly no rice. (although i've been using some strange long grain rice until i go to the asian food market where i can buy cheaper short grain.) quesadillas were also present at some point in the week.

then i went to dc...i fortified myself for the road trip with lime vitaminwater (bleh) and goldfish crackers and orange chocolate chip cookies. the food on the trip was not all that exciting (although there were a lot of hot dog stands, akin to new york. i had one with mustard and sauerkraut outside the hirshhorn museum. nearer to the white house, i stopped at another stand for a sprite. it was so cold the inside was sort of slurried. it was amazing.) although my friend in baltimore had an electric deep fryer, and her fiance made some excellent fried chicken and onion rings. au bon pain, einstein's bagels, starbucks and ruby tuesday rounded out the trip. like i said, not very exciting.


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