Monday, August 06, 2007

August oranges

My roommate is somewhat...particular, so I made him a tried and tested cake for his birthday, even if wasn't as ambitious as previous birthday cakes. The first time I made it, he and I ate it so much that it gone within the day, leading my other roommate to wish she had taken more sooner. It's a light, airy cake and has an quasi-caramelized base and very orangey, and comes from Chocolate and Zucchini.
This shot is of the surface of the moon. Fine, it's the cake pan buttered and sugared. It was hard to refrain licking the pan already.
The recipe calls for 1/2 cup of orange juice, or about the juice of one orange, plus the zest of one orange. I always assume my produce will not be the same size as anyone elses, so I bought two oranges; the worst possible scenario then means I have fresh fruit. Panic! Anyway, it look me one and a half oranges to get the half cup, although I don't have a real citrus juicer either which may have contributed to a low yield. Here are the ravaged and destroyed oranges. One of the reasons I think I like baking so much is that I get to eat the raw batter or dough. This recipe is exceptional in the fact that the batter doesn't taste very good raw. (Believe me, I always lick the bowl when I'm done, and most raw doughs taste excellent. I also assume in this day and age that raw eggs are pretty safe. Or, at least, I've fended off salmonella up until now.) Out of the oven, the cake is supposed to cool for ten minutes in the pan, then you flip it over onto a serving plate to finish cooling, and the caramelized part is on top. It's a really lovely cake, although I think I would flip it over to a rack to finish cooling instead of a plate next time. The plate doesn't allow for much cooling, and means the cake ends up sticking to the plate a lot. Still, my roommate's birthday was successfully celebrated, and thusly ends the summer birthdays. Whew.

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