Our freezer is similar to Mary Poppin's bag; it holds all sort of things, more than would seem to logically be able to fit in it. I had a roll of phyllo dough leftover from CONNECTICUT (I have a distinct memory of throwing it in my car straight from the freezer in my old apartment and driving straight to this apartment, about a 2 hour drive on the best of days). My other roommate had a package of frozen spinach, so it was logical to make spanakopita. I was vaguely worried about this, as I've had spanakopita I've liked and disliked before, and I'm not a huge fan of either spinach or feta. So I decided to half the recipe, and cut the phyllo into two, making a small thing of baklava. Because I was pretty sure I wouldn't screw baklava up. Now, I was having a really awful day, and was devastated when I realized I rushed and cut the phyllo dough into half the wrong way. But I calmed down, and cut it in half again to lay the pieces side by side. Which worked out just fine, as butter and sugar and dough and walnuts tends to do. Had I been thinking properly, I probably would have chopped up the walnuts finer (they were in 'baking bits' from Trader Joe's) but it still worked out fine. I halved this recipe and made it in an 9x9 baking pan, with room leftover on the sides. Also, the butter is just used for brushing the dough, and 4 tablespoons in a halved recipe was more than enough to douse everything.

Labels: dessert, layers and layers, online recipe, sugar
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