Sunday, September 09, 2007

As astute readers will have noticed, the previous post indicates I still have half a roll of phyllo dough leftover for the Great Spanakopita Experiment. As is my wont, I turned to Baker's Illustrated again. Seriously, this is the best investment I've made. (By which I mean, the best Christmas present my sister got me that I didn't even ask for or know about.) Only after I bought ingredients for half a recipe did I realize that I completely missed the step where they mention they only use half of the phyllo dough anyways. I amended this by using two sheets nearly every time they wanted two. Also, they wanted all sorts of finicky things like fresh dill and fresh parsley, and I am neither made of money nor like parsley, so I omitted them, and made up for it with...a couple of dashes of dried dill. I'm pretty terrible. Finally, they wanted scallions. I was at the farmer's market when I realized that I have no idea what I scallion is. That is, I knew they were either green onions or shallots. Another recipe I was looking at for the GSE had green onions, but I couldn't recall ever having green onions in spanakopita. So I bought shallots, since I've never had shallots before, and I figured they were all onion-like things anyways, so it wouldn't make any difference. When I was walking home, I decided that scallions were almost certainly the same thing as green onions. (This is fascinating, I know. I could go on about all my thought processes concerning alliums. And I will!) Wikipedia indeed confirms that scallions are green onions. HOWEVER. A few sentences down, the good people of wikipedia mention that:

"Scallion" is sometimes used for Allium ascalonicum, better known as the shallot. The words scallion and shallot are related and can be traced back to the Greek askolonion as described by the Greek writer Theophrastus

Hence, I am vindicated. Assuming there's not some insane scallion-obsessed person trying to prove it is the same thing as a shallot. I used one sha
llot (whereas the recipe requested 3 scallions, and see, now even I'm getting confused typing all these out) since it was much stronger than I expected.
All these troubles aside, the GSE was a huge success and was incredibly delicio
us. I also got to use my new microplane grater for the first time, courtesy of Cook's Illustrated, as I decided I wanted some sort of magazine subscription, and it happened to come with something I was planning on buying eventually anyway.

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