Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I got this beautiful cathedral bundt pan for Christmas (as I specifically requested the Cathedral-style. It's been on my Amazon wishlist since December 2007). This is the honey cake from Maira Kalman's "The Principles of Uncertainty." (Thanks, Nick!) It's not the first cake I baked in it- I had a chocolate cake box mix that I made earlier, which I thought was only one year expired, but it was two years expired, and I decided not to risk poisoning my coworkers.
I also made this bread, which was not bad, although I probably wouldn't make it again.

Also received for Christmas- Enamel Cast Iron Casserole Dish, far left. Soaking beans, far right.

Things I have made recently that were delicious and make me feel like I'm an adult and could feed other people, or throw dinner parties, or own a restaurant.

Roasted cauliflower
and Skillet carrots

For the record, I don't even like carrots or cauliflower. But I'm trying to eat more vegetables, thanks to New Roots. Having organic vegetables and fruits delivered to you makes you feel instantly smug.